Adding ObjectID Pass to Render Output in Maya
(This article has a second part, with a more complete script, which you should check out later. Read part 2 of this article ) So I was trying to find out how to generate ObjectIDs for Mental Ray renders in Maya. Peering into render passes and render layers settings, I could not find an objectId setting or preset. So I had to search the Internet for some answers. Here's a little help from Autodesk folks on how to generate object ID pass for your mental ray renders. Quoting from the page: -- start quote -- To obtain an object ID pass, please follow these steps: Select all the objects that you wish to include in the pass, and execute the following MEL script: addAttr -ln miLabel -at long -k 1; This will add a new attribute called “MI Label” for all the objects in the Extra Attributes section. Once you create a different MI Label for ...