
Showing posts from December 21, 2020

Nuke's Colour Selection Scheme

In these last months I've had the opportunity to become more involved in compositing in Nuke. This involves a lot of working with colours. One of the things that had me curious for while was the sliders on the right side of the standard nuke colour picker.  I am talking about the vertical sliders on the right of the image above.  After investing some time in reading the Nuke documentation, I came to the appropriate page  that indicates that this is the TMI colour scheme that allows the user to pick a colour by colour temperature.  Nuke also allows for a more comprehensive colour picker by ctrl/cmd-clicking on the colour wheel icon (to the left of the "4" icon on the right of the image above). Nuke calls it the alternative colour picker. Activating it this way will create a floating colour picker panel that you can interact with. In this panel, you can use the top buttons to toggle the visibility of the TMI, HSV and RGB colour schemes to work with whichever way that i...

Creating a Camera Frustum in Houdini

  Creating a Camera Frustum in Houdini  from  Patrick Woo  on  Vimeo . In this newest video tutorial, I show how to quickly create a camera frustum in Houdini. Having a polygon geometry that outlines the camera frustum is useful as a visual indicator of the camera's direction and shows immediately which objects are inside or outside of the camera. It also allows for a geometric image plane and opens up visualisation options for clipping planes and projection mapping operations.