Comparison Between My Two Wide-angle Conversion Lens

Here are some tests between the two wide-angle conversion lens I now own: The Fujiyama 0.45x and Vitacom 0.25x conversion lens. Taken with Fujiyama 0.42x wide-angle conversion lens on Canon 18-55mm kit lens Taken with Vitacom 0.25x Ultra super wide-angle conversion lens on Canon 18-55mm kit lens Taken with Vitacom 0.25x Ultra super wide-angle conversion lens on Tamron 18-270mm zoom lens These two pictures were taken from the same spot. The images have been resized down to 800x800. First 2 images were taken with the Canon kit lens, the first was Fujiyama 0.42x conversion lens and the second was Vitacom 0.25x conversion lens. I would say that the angle has been increased by quite a bit, judging from how much more of the table can be seen from the bottom right hand side in the image. The other thing I notice, is how much the image quality of the Vitacom 0.25x deteriorates at the edges of the image. It is apparent even ...