Notepad++ I have started to script again, using Python (Pymel too) in Maya. Right now I am just reminded again the neced for a windows notepad replacement. This made me remember how much I relied on Notepad++, the freeware notepad application. It is also a very powerful source code editor that supports 50 programming and scripting languages built-in. On top of this, it is possible to install more user-defined languages from a bigger list available from the website. Notepad++ very configurable in terms of colours for text and the way code and script is highlighted in different styles and colours that change with the programming/scripting language. It also supports many plug-in to expand its functionality. I especially like the lines-numbering, and code-folding functionality that allows me to hide/show blocks of code defined by indentations or brackets (different for every programming/scripting language). I've just got it up and running. I am happy no...