Houdini Ocean Spectrum on Toy

Houdini Ocean Spectrum on Toy from Patrick Woo on Vimeo . Watch this on YouTube too! Here's my latest test in Houdini. In this test, I manage to apply Houdini's Ocean Spectrum a non-planar shape. The ocean spectrum in Houdini allows the artist to define parameters that describe an open-ocean surface. With these settings, Houdini can generate a very natural-looking ocean surface without the expensive simulation time (this is much like how Houdini's Heightfield is implemented). Since this tool was meant for an open ocean surface, it mainly works with a flat grid by adding displacement to it. If we plug a non-planar object to evaluate this spectrum with the OceanEvaluate SOP, it results in a streaking projection downwards in the Y-axis. Also, the faces that face towards negative Y will get an inverted displacement pattern of that ocean spectrum. In this test, I derive a set-up that overcomes the planar nature of the projection and the negative pattern caused by the same pr...