Houdini Assembly Per Piece Animation for Reel Breakdown


Houdini Assembly Per-Piece Animation for Reel Breakdowns from Patrick Woo on Vimeo.

This is my attempt at recreating the effect of pieces assembling themselves in a VFX reel breakdown.

In the drop-down version. The points were sorted along the X-axis. Further, using an ExplodedView SOP, I can sort the pieces by the distance which each piece get exploded from the centre. With that sorting order, I am able to achieve the re-assembly style of "Centre Out", and "Outside In".

The core is done mainly in a point wrangle node. As shown in the beginning, I have controls for start frame, interval (in frames) between each piece and animation duration for each dropping piece. There is also a ramp to control the speed of each piece as they approach their final position.

Rifle asset is modelled by Matija Švaco and downloaded from sketchfab.com/3d-models/sci-fi-sniper-rifle-free-2d1bef3aa9ae47c5aee26cc3f032ab31


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